DaQuanta Copeland
Name: DaQuanta Copeland
Which office are you seeking? City Council District C
Campaign website: daquantacopeland.com
Social media: Facebook
The income of many households in Raleigh is too high to qualify for income-restricted/subsidized housing, yet these residents are cost-burdened by climbing prices and rents across market-rate housing. Explain at least 2 policies you will seek to implement to address the rising costs of market-rate housing in Raleigh.
1. I will implement a Economic Stabilizing system by balancing new development, preserving existing development, and the frequency of infrastructural enhancements.
2. I will implement incentivizing developers that will meet the need for mix income housing as well as maintaining housing affordability.
What is an issue in Raleigh that deserves critical attention, but isn't talked about much in the media or the community because it's not sensational or obviously apparent?
The need for educational programs to enhance academic wealth of our youth and equitably accessible resources for our Seniors.
How will you balance the interests of individuals with those of the general public? Especially when voting on an issue that will negatively impact a small, but vocal group of residents, but which offers significant benefits to the general public?
Our elected are not just a representative of some, they are elected to represent ALL. There is always opportunity to establish Community Benefit. I will maintain an open mind to govern with integrity, fairness, and with the community's perspective at the table.
Should Council allow more Missing Middle housing (duplex, triplex, townhomes and small apartment buildings) to be built in the City? If yes, how would you accomplish this? If not, why not?
Yes, with the new Missing Middle zoning taking place throughout the City, I will advocate for mixed income housing that will help stabilize the housing crisis and generate economic health.
Should the City continue investing in Bus Rapid Transit? If so, what additional investments and/or land use regulatory changes should the City make to support the successful implementation of the Western and Southern corridors? If no, why?
I feel the BRT should have started in areas that doesn't have transportation and would not further displace low income families in an already heavily generified community. The best investments we can make as a city would be to collaborate and partner with businesses that would pay a living wage within the corridors to generate economic stability to support minimizing commuting time for families as well as allowing them to keep more dollars in their pockets & more time to be with their families.
What is your vision for how Raleigh’s built environment should evolve over the next 10 years?
My 10 year vision for Raleigh's built environment would have amazingly healthy trees throughout the city with less pollution and heat pockets from all the environment injustices that we've lost to development. We will have clean streams and greenways. Healthy neighborhoods with minimum social & economic disparities, mental stability & accessible resources, and unification of ALL residents co-existing by the evidence of love and respect of our difference being the foundational blocks to a thriving city.
How would you change the way the City's Office of Community Engagement operates?
I would encourage intentional education of resources and how to access the resources by using more streams of media, social media, notifications, and generate strong relationships with neighborhoods and Community Leaders.
Should the City preserve existing moderately priced housing (Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing) to help slow the rate of resident displacement? If yes, please provide 2-3 specific policies that you would ask your fellow Councilors to support. If no, what other policies do you support to address resident displacement?
Yes. 1. Maximize housing funds for preservation with a 5 year allotment for residents separate from housing budget or adjust housing budget to include reoccurring funding. 2. Raise the income allowable amount to accommodate the AMI. 3. Foster an addendum to evaluate all moderately priced housing for preservation before demolition according to residents age, income, age of building.
Is there anything else you would like voters to know about you or your campaign? (Optional)
It is also important that we elect the candidate that has a verifiable track record of leading governmental spaces with passion & compassion, who's a team player, who's able to positively move the needle of disparities for the least of the and still represent the collective ALL. Elect DaQuanta Copeland for District C and TOGETHER WE WILL STABILIZE, UNIFY, AND UPLIFT OUR COMMUNITY!