Community Prosperity
WBUR: Can focusing on class instead of race solve our country’s equity issues?
NextSTL: Street Not Thru: The Cul-De-Sacking of St. Louis
Market Urbanism Report: How to Define A ‘Successful City’?
Rice University: What Makes A Great City? Great Public Spaces. And These 6 Rules.
WNYC: Great American Cities Have These Common Traits
Pew Research Center: Most Americans say there is too much economic inequality in the US, but fewer than half call it a top priority
NYT: Watch 4 decades of inequality drive American cities apart
Access Magazine: From parking minimums to parking maximums in London
Not Just Bike: Suburbia is Subsidized (video)
Urban Institute: Three Reasons Why Expanding Access to Homeownership Alone Won’t Close the Racial Wealth Gap
Parking Mandates Map — Parking Reform Network
Commission on Smart Growth, Growth Management and Development
HUD Cityscape: Fifty Years of Tenant-Based Rental Assistance
Wake County Commissioners Community Survey Findings (April 2023)
Fostering Equitable and Sustainable Transit-Oriented Development
Brookings: Clusters and Innovation Districts: Lessons from the United States Experience
Urban Institute: How are income and wealth linked to health and longevity?
NBER: New evidence on redlining by Federal housing programs in the 1930s
EPI: A forgotten history of how our government segregated America
Chicago and the Enduring Neighborhood Effect
VTPI: Parking requirement impacts on housing affordability
Affordable Housing and Resident Health
SSIR: The Curb-Cut Effect
NC Budget & Tax Center: Wake County Economic Snapshot 2022
GoForward Commuter Rail Report 2020
Wake County Transit Alternatives
Recommended Wake County Transit Plan December 2015
Wake County Transit Progress Report 2021
The Urban Institute: Reimagining Community Planning Academies
AEJ: Housing Constraints and Spatial Misallocation
Journal of Politics: The Supply-Equity Trade-Off: The Effect of Spatial Representation on the Local Housing Supply
W.E. Upjohn Institute: Warding Off Development: Local Control, Housing Supply, and NIMBYs
European Journal of Political Economy: District versus at-large voting: Why district voting results in worse policy for minorities
Vanderbilt University Law School: In Defense of At-Large Representation: A Positive Approach
The Employment Effects of a Guaranteed Income: Experimental Evidence from Two US States
Raleigh Planning Presentation: Development Services Advisory Meeting (8/8/24)
RaleighForward Letter in Support of Reconnecting Downtown Raleigh Project