October 15: The week ahead in Raleigh

  1. Wake County has begun a Racially Restrictive Covenants Project that aims to create a searchable and interactive map of racial restrictions, inserted in historic legal documents to prevent people who were not white from buying or living on land in Wake County.  If you are interested in helping with this project, click here.

  2. City Council Meets on Tuesday, October 17.  Here are some of the items that caught our attention:

    • During the 11:30 work session, Council will receive an update on Dix Park.  The update will focus primarily on the adaptive reuse of various buildings on the property. Click here for the agenda backup materials.

    • Staff will update Council on the Six Forks Road improvement project. There is a $72.9 million funding gap that must be addressed before the City can move forward on the project. Staff will present Council with a variety of options to address the funding gap. Given the size, it seems unlikely that anything close to the approved plan will be built. Click here for the agenda backup materials.

    • Council will be asked to authorize $3,100,000 in gap financing to facilitate the construction of 142 new affordable rental units. Click here for the agenda backup material.

Read the full October 15th newsletter here.


October 15: What we’re reading this week


October 1: What we’re reading this week