November 5: The week ahead in Raleigh

  1. Raleigh is developing its 2024-2025 Affordable Housing and Community Development Needs Assessment.  There are several community engagement sessions and an online survey where residents can provide input.  For more information about meeting dates and the survey, click here.

  2. Planning Commission’s Committee of the Whole is holding a Special Meeting on Monday, November 6th at 4:00pm to continue its review of pending Comprehensive Plan Amendments and the rezoning related to implementation of the 2016 Wake Transit Plan and associated infrastructure improvements including the New Bern Avenue Bus Rapid Transit and associated station area planning.  For more information, click here and here.  The primary activity under review by the PC COW are specific requests of property owners who have either requested to be included in or excluded from the proposed Transit Overlay District.  Once that review is complete, the COW will make a recommendation and send the matter to the full Planning Commission for a final review and recommendation to Council.  That must happen no later than December 12, 2023.

  3. City Council Meets on Tuesday, November 7, 2023.  Here are some of the items that caught our attention:

    • Staff is requesting Council authorization to spend $350,000 to study how to expand ACORNS or offer additional alternative response services to serve people experiencing a mental health crisis instead of a traditional police response. Click here and here for more information.

    • Rezoning Z-20-23 seeks to rezone approximately 1.12 acres located on the block bounded by Hillsborough, West, Morgan and the railroad tracks from Downtown Mixed-Use 12 Stories to Downtown Mixed-Use 40 Stories. A notable condition requires that the developer pay $40,000 per residential unit for 1% of the total # of residential units shown on an approved site plan into the City’s Affordable Housing Development Fund. The rezoning allows a mix of residential, office and retail uses, so it is possible that the developer will not seek to build any residential units.  However, given current market conditions, that seems an unlikely outcome. Click here for more information.

Read the full November 5th newsletter here.


November 5: What we’re reading this week


October 15: What we’re reading this week