January 28: The week ahead in Raleigh

REMINDER:  We know we sound like a broken record, but now is the time to act if you think building a successful transit system is important to the future of Raleigh.  A public hearing for the New Bern Avenue Transit Overlay District Rezoning is scheduled for January 30, 2024.  This Council meeting is dedicated solely to matters related to the New Bern BRT corridor.  Click here for the agenda materials related to the public hearing.  

Council needs to know there is support for putting in place zoning that will lead to higher residential densities along the New Bern Avenue bus rapid transit route.

There is still time to sign up to speak during the January 30 public hearing. The deadline is 5:00 pm Monday, January 29. 

Click here and scroll down to the bottom of the page to sign up to speak.

Even if you can’t attend the January 30 public hearing, the matter is likely to go into Council’s Growth and Natural Resources Committee for more detailed review. While the GNR Committee reviews the rezoning case, it will be important to remind Council that you support higher residential density along New Bern Avenue.

Here is a link to our December Newsletter that has all of the information you need for contacting Council. 

Meetings of interest in the week ahead:

  1. The City recently added a new information hub to its website to help inform people about the “Top Issues” facing Raleigh. It should help people find important information more quickly about issues that may impact them.

  2. Raleigh continues seeking public input about its proposed “alternative response” program for people in crisis.  Click here to learn more about the proposal and engagement opportunities.

Read the full January 28th newsletter here.


January 28: What we’re reading this week


January 14: What we’re reading this week