March 31: What we’re reading this week

Some articles we found interesting this week:

  1. Housing first is the key to reducing homelessness. Here is another article which further emphasizes the effectiveness of the “housing first” philosophy, from Bloomberg.

  2. Biden Administration’s rent cap proposal draws mixed reviews, from the Washington Post.

  3. Housing affordability continues to worsen across the Country, from Business Insider.

  4. This article contains an interesting discussion of approaches to mapping Gentrification and areas that are likely to face Gentrifying pressures.

  5. How “Light-Touch Density” (ADU’s, duplex and triplex) can help address housing affordability.

  6. Preliminary review of the impacts of California’s Housing Element Law.

  7. State housing interventions can support healthier housing markets.

  8. Mainstream banks rolling out affordable lending to take on payday lenders and help low-income borrowers, from Pew Trusts.

  9. New Jersey passed legislation modifying existing law that mandates municipalities build more affordable housing.

  10. Although Florida is rarely held up as an exemplar for its recent legislative practices, it enacted aggressive housing legislation parts of which are worth reviewing.


Read the full March 31st newsletter here.


April 14: The week ahead in Raleigh


March 31: The week ahead in Raleigh